July 07, 2010

OK, I'll do it...

I figure it's probably time for an update and I've got some catching up to do seeing as how it was a month ago since the last post. I won't be overloading you all at once, so keep an eye out.

The weekend of Audrey's birthday, we also had family in town to help us with putting a new roof on our house. (More info on that to come.) My brother Evon and his family came to help out and we had a GREAT weekend with them. On Sunday, before church, we decided to head down to temple square for a little bit. Here's a little of our time down there. We also went on a tour of the Conference Center and we were able to go all the way to the rooftop, which was really cool and beautiful.

The beautiful temple (please ignore the big crane in the background.)
Daddy and Audrey, up on the Conference Center roof.
Nathan looking out over to the temple. And of course you can't go visit the temple without your Bumblebee Transformer. Nathan didn't want to cooperate with the picture taking, so I didn't get many with him.
Nathan and Audrey by the fountain. I wanted to get a good one with both of them looking at me...but no such luck. Oh well, still cute!
My brother and his family...
and our family...
Here's Nathan with his cousins. They are his "best friends".
And with his Aunt Angela, she's his "buddy".
And lastly...some of the pretty flowers we saw on our visit.

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