December 31, 2009

Christmas Day...

On Christmas morning Nathan came in to our bedroom at about 6:30 and climbed under the covers with us. This wasn't too bad since he wasn't ready to get up yet. Then at about 7:30 he decided he wanted to watch his show, so we turned on the TV for him to watch (we wanted to let Audrey to get as much chance to sleep before opening presents). Nathan did check on Audrey twice and both times she was still sleeping. Then between 8 and 8:30 Nathan went out of our room and snuck into the living room and saw all that Santa left!
He was so excited!! He came to our room and kept saying "come on, come on". When we asked what was going on he said "there's CANDY!" So we headed out to the living room, but told Nathan that Audrey had to be awake before we could open presents. He went to check on her and ran back down the hallway yelling "Audrey's awake! Audrey's awake!" LOL!!!
He was so excited, here's some pictures from our fun morning opening presents.

We didn't have anywhere to go Christmas day. It was a nice and relaxing day to let the kids (big and little)  play with their presents (the kids of course got lots of toys each, Chris got some tools he wanted and a GPS and I was spoiled with a new Cricut machine...bring on the scrapbooking!)and watch "Christmas Story".
For dinner, again it was just us and my sister Gina. We enjoyed a honeybaked ham, thanks to a gift certificate from work and some yummy potatoes that Audrey really enjoyed...

And then for desert, decided to carry on something we had done a few times with my mom and dad in the past and we made cream puffs. It was the first time attempting to make them and they were soooo good. This will be something we will do for Christmases to come for sure! We filled them with vanilla and huckleberry ice cream! YUM!!
Hope you all had as fun a Christmas as we did!!

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