August 08, 2009

Summertime fun outside...

The kids just LOVE to go outside and play. Audrey even gets upset with me when we get home at night and I don't let her stay out and play. When we went outside the other day I took the camera to capture some of the fun we had.

Nathan found a bug and decided he needed to play with it. I feel bad for the bug every time he finds one since I know the poor bug probably isn't gonna make it out alive.
This one did live though, he rolled off Nathan's hand and into the grass where Nathan couldn't find him.
Lucky bug!

Nathan was showing off and "fell" into the grass so I could take his picture.
My cute baby girl!

Nathan giving me his cheesy grin.

We had some fun, even played a little frisbee and even lost one on the roof. We are trying to enjoy the evenings when it cools down and really enjoy going out and playing with the kids.

What kinds of things do you do in the Summer evenings with your family?

1 comment:

Emily n fam said...

u guys are lucky to have that nice fenced in yard. We definitely like to sit out in our field in the evening, it is cooler out there than in the house! we used to go for walks down the road, haven't done it in a while though....enjoy the rest of summer!it will be gone before we know it!