January 11, 2009

A little update...

There's really not been a whole going on around here...other then just the normal day to day stuff, but thought I would still post a pic or two of the kids for you all to see and let you know how we've done on the new years resolutions in the first week of the year.
Nathan's been as wild and crazy as usual. He's really a fun kid. although at times drive Chris and I up the wall. Here's the "cheese" himself. (He says cheese anytime the camera is pointed in his direction).
Audrey is officially crawling!!! Not a lot yet, most of it's an army crawl but she has been caught crawling on her hands and knees too. She has even made it from the middle of the living room floor to the dining room floor. Quite the feat for a 7 month old! Oh and she LOVES the bath, she about throw herself off my lap to get in while I'm getting her ready to go in. Here's my crawling water baby!

As for the New Year's Resolutions in the first week of 2009.
I was able to finish a WIP! That is pretty exciting, if I do say so myself. It's wasn't anything big, but it was something. I started crocheting around these burp clothes 4 or so months ago. I finally finished them and can now get them to my friend and her little baby.
I am hoping to get some batting this week and start to work on tying some quilts that I've had kicking around for the last couple of years. I'll let you know how that goes.

We didn't do too well with our exercising and eating better this last week. But it's a new week, so we'll be trying again!
Oh and for a bonus. Here's a picture of Nathan using Chris as a table.

P.S. Sorry, guess this was a bigger post then I thought it would be :)

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