October 23, 2008

What we've been up to...

Since it's been a little while since I've posted anything...I thought I'd post some pictures of us from the last couple weeks.

This was the last nice day before it started to really get cold. We spent a little time outside blowing bubbles and having fun.

A week ago Monday for FHE we decided to paint some pumpkins. Nathan had a blast! I tried to put an old T-shirt on him but he wouldn't let me, that would be why he is only wearing his diaper.
Contemplating his pumpkin? I'm not sure what this was about.
Chris got in on the fun too!
Audrey didn't paint one, but she's still supporting us and looking cute.
The finished pumpkins. (Yes I helped Nathan with his. He needed a pirate!)Nathan trying on Daddy's hat.
Audrey must have had too much fun in her saucer. She just wore herself out.
I found Chris and Audrey zonked out the other night. Too cute, had to take a picture.


Lera said...

Your pumpkins look great and I love the pic of Audrey asleep on the saucer, so sweet!

Brian_n_Amy said...

Those are some very funny pictures! I love them! They cracked me up! I also loved the one of Audrey sleeping. So so cute!

Emily n fam said...

aaawwwh, how did you get the baby to fall asleep in her saucer? Cool pumpkins too, and my brother and his baby girl are too cute.

Chris, Kristina, Nathan and Audrey... said...

She was just super tired I guess. I went to get her to put her down for her nap and she'd already fallen asleep.

Bryan & Sarah said...

LOL love the saucer picture!! And I must say that your pumpkins look so cute!!

mascherinomomma said...

Nathan is growing up so fast...he doesn't look like a toddler anymore, they change so fast. Glad you guys showed up to the Halloween party, keepin' our fingers crossed that next year no one will be sick.