May 08, 2010

At it again...

I've been doing some more sewing lately and it's been pretty fun. I found a cute little dress pattern that I decided would make some cute dresses and nightgowns for Audrey and so bought some cute light weight fabric, it's called tutti fruitti, and made her 2. Same fabric just did them opposite. I love how the turned out and I'll probably be making some more soon.

The shoulder straps are a little bit so I might have to tweek them a little, but other then that, they turned out great 
(at least I think so).

I also finished a couple more pairs of shorts for Nathan to wear to bed. Here he is modeling them off. He doesn't want to stand still lately when I pull out the camera, he's a little goofy.
He really likes his shorts, they are also tutti fruitti with little fishies on them. Nathan really likes them, just don't tell him half his fish swim upside down (OOPS!!).

If you sew for kids and haven't used tutti fruitti before, it's really cute fabric. I love it! It's really soft and they are cute and bright colors. I've even got some more pieces to sew with. Yay! Unfortunately they don't always have stuff to use for boys so I was really happy to find the cute fish fabric.

So I'm off to work on some more sewing. I've got some things to finish in the next 3 weeks before Audrey's birthday at the end of the month. I'll fill you in when I've completed more!


ang :o) said...

love that fabric and dress!

Jackie the Junk Junkie said...

I love those little dresses!!!