July 26, 2009

My little trouble makers...

Some pictures recently taken of the kids....

Nathan fell asleep while eating, and what you can't see is that Audrey decided to help herself to Nathan's food. I wasn't quite quick enough with the camera :)
Audrey has straight as can be and super fine hair. I'm trying to decide if I should cut it or let it continue to grow. I've tried barrette's to keep it out of her face, but they don't stay in so she ends up with a pony tail most days.
I tried out 2 pony tails the other day. It turned out cute, but she really didn't like me putting them in her hair.
Lately Nathan won't let me take any normal pictures of him. He's always goofing off or turning his head just as I take his picture...he's got a cute back of head.
He did let me take these the other day.
Of course he was covering up most of his face in both of them.

I don't remember why, but I took off Audrey's clothes the other day and she wandered around for the afternoon with a bow in her hair, a diaper on, and one shoe. She loved it!

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