January 16, 2011

Been working on some sewing...

I was able to take the week after Christmas off to spend at home with the kids and do a little sewing. I didn't sew as much as I would have liked, but did get a few things finished. I did sew a few things I can't show yet since they are gifts and we haven't finished with all of our Christmas giving yet. I'll post those later. 
But here's what I've been working on...
Some ruffled wristlets...so fun to make! Oh the possibilities!! You can find the instructions here
These were given to some of my friends at work.
A few quilt blocks for Audrey. I made Nathan a quilt for when he got moved out of his crib. And now it's time for Audrey, so she'll be getting a quilt sometime soon. Here are the first of the blocks. They will be turned into a Disappearing 9 Patch quilt

And I started on a new table runner...
Audrey got a cute little puppy for Christmas and he needed a little blankie...so I made him one from some fabrics I had left over from another project...
 Super simple and quick!
I was also able to finish some crochet projects. Some afghans that were supposed to be done for Christmas...but nope, they weren't. 
One for Nathan...
And one for Audrey...
I've decide that I need to do some more sewing this year, some new and of course to finish old (UFO/WIP's) projects. I want to try to sew at least 1 hour each week but with kids and life that doesn't always happen. I was able to sew for a couple hours yesterday while Audrey was napping and Nathan was watching a movie.
A few quilt blocks...
Churn Dash in neutrals
Churn dash in red and cherries...
A pillowcase for one of Nathan's friends who's having a birthday this week...
And some more work on my new table runner...
I got quite a bit accomplished yesterday...and I was able to enjoy a mommy movie too! I watched Phantom of the Opera while I was doing my thing. 
And today while Chris watched Sunday Football I sat on the couch and worked on a project that I've been wanting to get finished for a couple of years now...
Got the quilting all complete!! I was going to do a fancy design around on the border...but decided that would take WAY too long and went with simple instead. It's been trimmed down and is ready for binding (still has the basting stitches in)! Yay!! First of my old projects is gonna get finished!! Maybe I'll have to try to finish 1 project each month...we'll see.

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