September 23, 2009

Finally done!

I've been working on finishing some recent and not so recent projects and LOOK, I've got a few done!
 I made this bag for a friend's little girl. She belongs to a dance group who's colors are pink and black and her mom wanted me to make her a bag for dance for her birthday. I ran out of black so trimmed it in the pink to match the stripes and I love how it turned out.

I also FINALLY got the buttons put on Nathan's "summer jammies" that I blogged about way back here. My button hole maker on my sewing machine is really retarded! I got them to work...kinda. I already need to do some repair work on at least one, but Nathan seems to like them. Unfortunately he won't be able to wear them super long since they are just shy of being too small, but I do have enough fabric left that I hope to make him a pair of jammie bottoms for next summer.
While trying to get a somewhat decent picture of Nathan to show you(he's lately been giving me only goofy faces), Audrey and him started to have a little fun together.

She was sitting on his chair and grabbing him back to sit on her.
They were having such a great time I had to get some pictures.
I love that they are starting to have fun playing together!

And lastly... My mom made Audrey this cute little summer dress, oh I think 3 months ago or so when she came to visit. Of course my sewing machine's buttonhole maker was having issues then too, so I just finished putting the button's on when I did Nathan's jammies. It is so cute and it's big enough that I'm gonna get her a white shirt to wear with it and she can wear it this winter. 
Here's the back showing the buttons.

And here you can see a little of the front. I love the little ruffles on the sleeves!
The last picture shows what a lady Audrey really is...(haha)!!

1 comment:

Bryan & Sarah said...

Seriously you have some major talent! I LOVE the dance bag, it is super cute. I remember when my two kiddos finally got to the stage where they would play with each other! It was a great week or two, lol now we are in the "all they do is fight" stage! jk but it sure seems like that!