March 08, 2009

Still lookin' good after all these years!

When I was up in Idaho a couple weeks ago I picked up a few things from my childhood that my mom had run into. A Raggedy Ann doll that I think I got when I was 5, some books...Alice in Wonderland, The Wizard of Oz, etc... a doll blanket, and an old dress....
No I actually didn't wear this dress when I was little, but my sister did. It's a little big on Audrey, but still oh, so cute! And she'll be able to grow into it. And if I had a picture of my sister wearing it, believe me it would be posted right next to Audrey's, but no such luck. Of course if I ever run across one it might show up here so you can see how cute my sister was when she wore it...way back when!