March 13, 2009

Do you think I've learned my lesson?...We'll see!

So about a month ago, I stuck Nathan in the bath and walked out to take care of some things. This usually isn't a problem, we check on him every few minutes and since he's so loud can usually tell what he's up to. Well I walked in after a few minutes and he had flooded the bathroom. I guess it wasn't technically "flooded", but the bath tub was empty and the floor was covered in water.
You see we have a couple of plastic cups that we use in the bathroom to pour over him to help rinse off and normally we are okay leaving them in there, but this night he had used one of these cups to dump all of the water out of the tub.
So after pulling Nathan out of the bath and getting him all cleaned up and then cleaning up the bathroom, Chris and I decided we wouldn't be leaving those cups in the bath tub any more while Nathan's in there.
And then what do I do...I forgot!
Then Wednesday night I put Nathan in the bath and Audrey followed behind to check things out. She likes to stand at the edge of the bath and watch Nathan playing (and hoping that I'll throw her in too since she LOVES the water). Not thinking, I left the cup in the bath and walked out. A few minutes later I hear Audrey crying and go to see what's up and she is drenched from head to toe and I find Nathan dumping water on the edge of the bath so that half goes back in and half goes back out.
Needless to say, I pulled Nathan out and dried him off. Cleaned up the mess in the bathroom (that I will take most of the blame for) and got Audrey out of her wet clothes and into the bath.
I am hoping I have learned my lesson this time and will be sure to take the cup out of the bath in the future. I really hate cleaning up messes in there. Dang mom-nesia has hit again! I am hoping not to go for a third try to finally learn this lesson.

P.S. Mom....stop laughing already!


jen said...

It is pretty funny and something that has happened here. It's one of the things I hate most of all--stepping in the bathroom to clean the kids and my feet getting socking wet because they dumped all the water out.

jen said...

I meant soaking wet. I was thinking about my socks getting all wet when I wrote it.

Emily n fam said...

HaaHaa, I guess that is just a part of having little ones. Everytime I put Lola in the tub I have to beg her not to soak the baby or the bathroom floor. Now instead of getting mad I just think to myself that atleast I don't have to mop the floor!