Today as I was on my way home I was listening to the radio and they were playing a compilation of songs and clips about September 11th in remembrance of this day and those who lost their lives and have been affected by what happened 7 years ago. Of course although I love to listen to these types of things, me being the emotional person that I am, I had a really hard time keeping my emotions in check while I am driving in the car. Not really a good combination, but I can't help myself.
Well it's days like today and moments like this one while listening to the radio that get me thinking about my life and all that I have to be thankful for. I know that I don't show my appreciation often enough for the many blessings I have and feel it appropriate to share with you some of the people and things that I am SO thankful for....
My immediate family...I am so thankful for my husband Chris, for his loving me for me, and loving me no matter how much I drive him crazy at times, for taking care of and supporting me and my kids.
I am thankful for my kids, Audrey and Nathan. Nathan makes me angry at times, but in the next minute gives me that look that just melts my heart. Audrey has such a sweet personality that I am so excited to see grow. They do a great job making me laugh and cry, and sometimes for no apparent reason. They bring me such joy in my life, I can't imagine what my life would be without them.
The rest of my family...I am thankful for the parents my Heavenly Father sent me to, for the support and love that I am always given no matter how much of a pain I was growing up. And also for being such wonderful grandparents to my kids.
I am thankful for my brothers and sister and their families and being able to get together with them to play and laugh, although not often enough!
I am thankful for Chris' family and all that they do for us, for their love and support and for them helping to make Chris into the person that he is today.
My friends...Although I don't spend as much time as I'd like with my friends, I am thankful for each and every one of them near or far. No matter how much time passes I know they are my friends and love me and are there for me anytime I need them, to laugh with, for a shoulder cry on or just talk with. I won't name all of you (you know who you are), but I am thankful for each of you and for your friendship!
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints...I am thankful for the gospel in my life. For the guidance and direction that it give to me. For the strength that it give me when I feel like I want to give up. For the prophet that leads, guides and directs the church. For my testimony, it's not big, but I am very thankful for it.
The USA...I am thankful for this country that we live in, for the freedoms that we enjoy everyday. I am thankful for all the men and women who defend our country and all the sacrifices they make for me to be safe where I live.
These are just a few of the things that I am thankful for each and everyday. I know that it shouldn't take days like today to help me remember all that I have, but sometimes it does take that something to remind me especially when I've worked all day and spent the night being frustrated with kids and all that goes with being a grown up when I'm wishing I wasn't.
I hope that I can show more appreciation for all that I am thankful for and not just on days like today.
And thanks to those of you who read my blog and let me go on and on! Love you guys! -K
Kara's Early Birthday Dinner!!!!
6 years ago
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