September 21, 2008

Playing catch up....

So it's been a while since I've posted, so thought I'd play a little catch up.....
Here's some pics of Nathan riding his new "Piderman" bike with the help of dad. He hasn't quite figured out the whole peddling thing yet, so we have to push him around the yard for him to ride.

Miss Blue eyes.

Audrey hasn't really lost all the hair she was born with, but as her head grows it is thinning some. And she's now sporting a cute bald strip around the back of her head.I love to take pics of the kids sleeping. Here's one of Nathan and a few of Audrey.

I love their faces, so Nathan and so Audrey. Definitely showing off their personalities!
We went to the fair last weekend. Here are a few pics of the trip.
Nathan and Audrey in the stroller.
A cow.
A BIG cow! I wanted to get a picture of him standing up, but before I could he laid down. Here's the sign about him. He is HUGE! I really wish I'd gotten a picture of him standing.
A goat.
The had a display of some old Hudson's. This one was really nice. The picture doesn't do it justice.
Last Monday when we got home from work we found the power out. A FedEx truck had gotten caught up in the phone line and snapped the power line it was attached to. Thus no power. We decided to go to the park for a little while since there wasn't much to do at home. It was a really fun evening for the family. Nathan especially enjoyed it. And the power was finally restored at around 9 that night so I'm glad we didn't hang around all night waiting for it.

And lastly for this post:
Nathan found my Mickey slippers socks and decided to try them on. They're just a "little" too big.

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