July 21, 2008

I've been tagged! This one's a fun one.
The rules are: You have to take ten pictures of the following things, and you have to do it right away. No straightening, cleaning or wiping your child's nose.

1. The fridge- Notice all the milk. We always have milk in the house, Nathan just loves the stuff and we go through tons of it.
2. The closet-Nothing too exciting here.
3. Self portrait- Didn't really want to do this one, but since it's all in fun I did. Definitely not the cutest I've ever looked.
4. My favorite room- Probably Audrey's. It's the closest to being completed. Not really girly, but it matches the baby bedding and it's cute and works for both girls and boys! Love the polka dot. We just switched Nathan to the spare room and set up Audrey's on Saturday.
5. The kitchen sink- There's my pizza stone. Made homemade pizza last night. YUM!
6. The laundry room- Nothing much going on here.
7. The toilet- The toilet seat is down, but it is clean.
8. What are your kids doing right now. Nathan's drinking some milk, no surprise there and following me around the house as I'm taking pictures.
Audrey's still sleeping.
9. Dream Vacation- I would love to spend a couple weeks just traveling seeing the sites in a nice comfy RV. The Grand Canyon, San Fransisco, Florida, New York, etc. Maybe when I win the lottery. 10. Favorite shoes- I don't really have any favorite shoes. I go barefoot whenever I can. These are what I wear during the summer.
I'm tagging Amy, Challise, Chesney, Kim and Sarah.
Have fun!

1 comment:

jen said...

I'm so glad that you found me! I have been wanting to visit with old friends. I love your pictures. It's fun to see people in their houses. I was looking at your older posts and our babies were born 1 day apart. Abbie was born on the 29th. We did have lots of fun in hight school--how does she do that?!!!! I hope we keep in touch.