January 23, 2010

My kids do like each other!!...sometimes...

Nathan was enjoying a Sunday morning on the couch under daddy's blanket when I got Audrey up. He wanted her to lay by him. They are so cute sometimes and do seem to like each other, sure doesn't last long though. Guess I need to continue to capture the good moments so I can remember what they look like so when they are driving each other crazy I have reference of a good time. LOL!


Lera said...

Cute pic. Palmer loves to lay on the couch with Brody too.

Bryan & Sarah said...

oh those are the best moments! THey are definitley few and far between at my house! Your kids are getting so big!

Chris, Kristina, Nathan and Audrey... said...

Thanks Lera!
I know Sarah! I want to freeze them in this age, although they do drive me crazy...I love them at this age.