August 29, 2011

Nathan's First Day of School!!

Nathan started Kindergarten this morning. I thought it would be much harder to leave him then it was. No tears even. Audrey's not so sure what to think, but is enjoying mommy and daddy time this morning until it's time to pick up Nathan again.

Up for his first day of school. He's having some allergy problems so his eyes are a little red in these pictures. Not sure he's too excited about school...more like indifferent.
 That's okay, Audrey was excited.
 Eating a special first day meal....his favorite, cinnamon rolls!!!
 All ready to go.
 And there's the smile for mom!!
 Love my boy!! Can't believe he's old enough for school already!
 On our way there...
Once we got there and were waiting to go in, he wouldn't let me take any more pictures of him. I was excited to find out that there are 2 girls from his primary class that will be in his class this year! 
The kids were taken inside and the parents were able to join the class while thier teacher (Miss Yorke) read them a cute little story about a mommy and her little raccoon called The Kissing Hand
The parents we all then given a little cut out hand to kiss and give back to the kids for them to hold onto while at school.
Now we get to wait until school is over and go pick up Nathan and hear about the great time that he had! We've also got plans to have more fun as a family this afternoon to celebrate the day even more!!

1 comment:

Lera said...

Cute! Congrats to Nathan on his first day of school! I hear his teacher is really good.