March 27, 2011

Birthday Boy!!!

Nathan has been asking for quite a while now when he was going to turn 5 and if when he turned 5 he could go to Kindergarten. He's been so excited for the day to come and we've had to explain to him a few times that yes he'll go to Kindergarten once he's five but will have to wait a couple months for school to start. 
Well, Nathan celebrated his 5th birthday on St. Patrick's day and now that we have a 5 year old get to plan on more adventures with him, including...yes, Kindergarten this year. 
(He may be ready to go, but I'm not sure I'm ready yet!)
Anyway, since his birthday's St. Patrick's day I like to make a fun treat for his class and this is what I did for this year...
I found the idea in the Family Fun magazine and as soon as I saw it, knew it would be what we'd do this year, both Nathan and Audrey seemed to like how they turned out and I know I do.
Since he was having his actual birthday party on Saturday we took him to the store and let him pick out a small cake to celebrate that night.
Here's the birthday boy! Can't believe he's 5 already, time sure does fly.
 We also let him open 1 present for his birthday and as he was opening it, he took the paper off and exclaimed, "A box of diapers!" We had to explain to him that he needed to open the box and inside he found a cute pillow pet. He said the next day that he wants more pillow pets, but not until everyone else has one too.
Since he turned 5 this year, we decided that he got to invite some friends over for his party and decided on a Fireman theme, including a visit to the fire station. 
Here's some pictures from the fun...
 Good bags made from fireman fabrics, they had chocolate licorice to represent the fireman's hose, life savers and roll ups (stop, drop and roll) as well as stickers, a water gun and some bubbles. I also got Nathan a fire chief hat at the party store and found yellow fireman hats at the dollar store. (The firemen at the station said the chief actually does wear a red hat and the other guys hats are yellow.)
 I also got some red fire hats to use with the decorations. The table set with balloons and life savers.
The birthday banner I cut out with my Cricut.
And we decided on a Dalmatian birthday cake. Not my best cake, but Nathan seemed to like it so that's all that matters. 
 Once the kids got there they each colored a name tag to wear before heading to the fire station.
 Audrey, Nathan, Loren and Esther.
 Nathan and his buddy Loren...
 Cute Esther...
 Talking with the fire chief about fire safety...
 The fireman all suited up showing the kids that he's not scary when he's all dressed up in his gear and if they see him in a fire, not to hide from him.
 Showing us the fire engine.
Checking out the ride.
 Fireman in training!
 Group shot. The kids did have a lot of fun, but they were ready to go when it was over. Not much attention span, but they all seemed to have a good time.
We then headed home and did presents and had some cake and ice cream.
Happy Birthday Nathan! So glad that your ours!!!

1 comment:

Lera said...

What a great party! Good job Mom!