April 14, 2010

Puppy Love

Thought I'd share a little update on how the Lucky's doing. The kids are really enjoying him (including Audrey). Audrey decided after about a week or so that she did like him and would pick up him and carry him around by the neck. Now that he's as big as she is...she's again a little unsure of him. She still likes him, but he's big enough to fight back...and he does. 
Here's some pics of Audrey and Lucky once she decided he was O.K.
And Audrey demonstrating how she picks him up using his tail as a handle.
He doesn't let her anywhere close enough to do that now!
Here's some pictures of Lucky last weekend. We've had him for about 2 months and he's gotten so big already!
Lucky is enjoying the warm weather when we have it and get's to spend his days outside playing with Nathan when he can. We are still working on potty training, but he's getting better with that too. We are sure enjoying having him around. Just the other day Nathan told me "I love Lucky so much!".

1 comment:

Emily n fam said...

awwwwh that is so adorable! The way Audrey holds lucky up just cracks me up!!and Nathan and his love for lucky. lol very cute post...