January 20, 2008


We had some visitors from both the north and south come and join us on Sunday. Grandpa Johnson, Uncle Gregg and Spencer from Idaho had gone to Logan to visit my cousin Ryan and his family and watch a few basketball games Thursday and Saturday and my Uncle Roger had come in from California. They decided to stop by as they headed out of town. Here's some pics of the visit....

This is Nathan's Great Uncle Roger, otherwise known as Grandpa Roger. Nathan normally doesn't let people hold him like this. I guess he made an exception!

Nathan and his cousin Spencer. They are best of buds!

Daddy and Nathan are butting heads already!!

The best seat in the house. Especially for sleeping. Grandpas' lap is the best!!

Chris, Nathan and Grandpa Johnson.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nathan is SO cute Visit zarszundel.blogspot.com